Results of eReader poll
Thank you for taking part in the poll: Which handheld device would work best in the K-12 classroom?
Kindle leads the way, catching 6/15 votes, and discussion on this topic shows that price and ease of use are two of the most attractive features, while on-line tools added to the latest version, Kindle Fire, make this handheld more attractive, they are still in keeping with what makes this eReader unique.
Following close behind, 5/15 votes, is the iPad’s iBook app, with new apps and upgrades occurring each week, many predicted that in the long-run, the Apple device will be in many classrooms and it remains to be seen how iCloud will make file sharing, lending out eBooks, a possibility. however, many people noted that the screen doesn’t make for an enjoyable read, and prefer the E ink of other types of readers.
Finally, the remain 4/15 votes went to Other in preference to Sony’s Reader and Barnes & Noble Nook (the Sabre Pyramid being the underdog choice). Many people responded that the Kobo eReader as their preferred device. Widely available in Canada, adaptable to eBook markets in the United States, Australia, European Union and parts of Asia, the software also can be downloaded onto other devices, making this company the little reader that could. Happy to hear of at least one mention of the Palm t|x as an early electronic text reader, yet since the advent of smartphone, these PDAs seem to have disappeared.
Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
Deb Giesbrecht 6:37 am on October 16, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for the update on the poll. Definitely will help me on my quest for my own eReader!